1Itze: www.technicolormotion.blogspot.com I liked Itez's proposal because she explains the topic very well and she defended her topic extremely well.
2Nestor: www.nestor40.blogspot.com this is a very important topic that most people ignore he did a good job of showing problems that the handy cap people have.
3Jennyliam: www.jennyliam.blogspot.com Jenny's proposal was very interesting because it’s not a topic you normally see but she did a good job of explaining it and i like the idea.
4Paola: www.mylifeaspaola.blogspot.com Paola's topic is one of the most inspiring I really liked how she defended her topic.
5Katherine: www.kathyhistoryblog.blogspot.com really liked her argument and agree with her solution.
6Francisco: www.welcometothewillieshow.blogspot.com Francisco’s proposal is very interesting because its something we see every day.
7Hiomark: www.hiomark-taino.blogspot.com his topic is one of the most recent and important topic I really liked his proposal because it stands for what the people want.
8Roxanne: www.roxi-shore.blogspot.com this proposal was very interesting because it's something we see every day.
Shae-Lynn: www.imaginationmakesitfun.blogspot.com Shae-lynn's proposal was short but very passionate and well explained.
Randy: www.randyeloko.blogspot.com Randy's topic is a very important one he really shows tribute to the veterans.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
There should be some changes to the constitution there should be an amendment that protects people from being affected from police men who judge you just because of your raise or skin color. It should also be prohibited to show propaganda that talks bad about other believes despite freedom of speech.
Now there is a trial taking please in Cuba that was suppose to take please in the U.S the trail is against the supposed terrorist who planned the 9/11 attack. They made the trial in Cuba so that the person could not have equal rights in like in the U.S. This is a good example of people hugging you without knowing or having any proof because the government is not really sour if the person that they are putting on trial is the person who planed the 9/11 attack.
These changes should be taken into consideration and the Muslim community should speak up and let their voice be heard. Other people should not be so quick to judge other people.
Now there is a trial taking please in Cuba that was suppose to take please in the U.S the trail is against the supposed terrorist who planned the 9/11 attack. They made the trial in Cuba so that the person could not have equal rights in like in the U.S. This is a good example of people hugging you without knowing or having any proof because the government is not really sour if the person that they are putting on trial is the person who planed the 9/11 attack.
These changes should be taken into consideration and the Muslim community should speak up and let their voice be heard. Other people should not be so quick to judge other people.
The muslims have not been very influencial in the changing and ading of the civil rigths. even thoug that they are one of the groups in america that mostli nead it. in the airports is one of the plases that they shood take a stand because it is were there is more abuse and disrispect towards the muslim comuneti.
in airports there is a small tolerans for muslim people and it goos against human rigths. there are many wais they are disrepected like for instans most of the time when they do '' sorpraise ispections'' its mostli muslim people being searchd and when muslim women come to the aipor they are ask to take off their bails for inspection.
the muslim people have to take charge and speac up against the opretion and the injustis that they are sufering. the shoud also have more influens in the changing of the civil rights.
in airports there is a small tolerans for muslim people and it goos against human rigths. there are many wais they are disrepected like for instans most of the time when they do '' sorpraise ispections'' its mostli muslim people being searchd and when muslim women come to the aipor they are ask to take off their bails for inspection.
the muslim people have to take charge and speac up against the opretion and the injustis that they are sufering. the shoud also have more influens in the changing of the civil rights.
The Muslim Americans have not done much to defend themselves there have not been much protest against their injustice. There is some protest in New York ageist the Muslim building an ashram near were the twin towers were these act goes against their right of religion.
There has been some protest in New York because of the Muslim Americans wanting to build an ashram close to where the twin towers were. Some Muslims have goon there to protest peacefully. The people who are train to stop this activity from helping are gouging against the amendment freedom of religion.
Muslims shod have more movement and have more peafowl protest to prove that they are not like the stereotypes that people believe them to be.
There has been some protest in New York because of the Muslim Americans wanting to build an ashram close to where the twin towers were. Some Muslims have goon there to protest peacefully. The people who are train to stop this activity from helping are gouging against the amendment freedom of religion.
Muslims shod have more movement and have more peafowl protest to prove that they are not like the stereotypes that people believe them to be.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Abuse against the Muslims
The Muslim Americans have been mistreated over the years mostly because of stereotypes, religion and for the most part because of the terrorist attack of 9/11 etc. Some of the amendments have been violated freedom of religion. The Muslim Americans are one of the most abused and most mistreated groups in the U.S but are also the ones with least protest.
The most choking part about the abuse on the Muslims is the stereotypical way that people thinking that every Muslim is a terrorist. There are also some people the host won’t let them practice their religion like the new issue with the Muslim building an ashram near where the twin towers were. But really I believe that the Muslims shod do more to defend themselves by finding some way of peas fool protest
The Muslims have been one of the worst trade groups no matter how you look at it. The people’s attitudes toward the Muslim people have been horrible because of all the stereotypes and assumptions against the Muslim people. There also shod be some new amendment to help protect the Muslim rights.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Muslim American Rigths History of the group
The Muslims started immigrating in the 1880s they started off as one of the smallest groups but at the beginning of the 20th century they became one of the biggest groups in America. This group has suffered much discrimination because of the war and stereotypes. At the present day there are about 5 million to 8 million Muslims in America.
Knowing the number of Muslims in America is somewhat difficult to know because in most cases their records have not been kept. But from the data that has been gathered you can see the there is large number of Muslim Americans. Because of those numbers you can see that this is a big group that demands its respect like all the other groups in America.
This is one of the biggest growing groups in the U.S but it is also one of the most discriminated because on stereotypes.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Francisco: www.welcometothewillieshow.blogspot.com
I enjoyed Francisco’s blog because he pointed out a lot of conflicts that the Indians had with the white Americans. He was also very exact with some events and battles it was very informative.
I liked how Itze defended the Native Americans on all the rumors that the white American hade spread around like the scalping rumors. I also liked how she defended the Indian with all the lies the government had made the Indians believe.
Nestor: www.nestor40.blogspot.com
Nestors blog was very good because it points out the hypocrisy of the white Americans it also defends the rights of the Native Americans. I also liked how exact he was with his facts.
Nestors blog was very good because it points out the hypocrisy of the white Americans it also defends the rights of the Native Americans. I also liked how exact he was with his facts.
Irelis: www.darkhistoryandyou.blogspot.com
It’s very clear that Ireis supports the Native Americans and I also liked that she was very exact with her dates and facts.
It’s very clear that Ireis supports the Native Americans and I also liked that she was very exact with her dates and facts.
Roxanne: www.roxi-shore.blogspot.com
In Roxan,s blog you can see how she defends the native American with her facts and she also shows the white Americas true nature.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
The Indians were treated on justly they were cheated of their lands, the hade to change their ways and worst of all they were massacred for no important reason. The traits and speeches that they had to hear and sing were host a waste of time and another way to abuse the Indians. You can’t blame the Indians for the way they acted because I know I would do the same if someone tried to change mi. All of these things could have been avoided if the hade host gotten a compromise.
The Indians were cheated of their land because they weren’t given a choice it was or give us the land nicely or will take it. An example for this is the Black Hills Sitting Bull, Red cloud or any of the other chief did not want to hand their land over to the Americans but the hade no choice. The real sad part is that they were promise money and beater land but they never saw any of it. It was all caused by the white Americans wanting more land to excavate for gold and own it for theme selves.
One of the worst things that they did to the Indians was change their way of life. The whites American change their Indian names to Christian names because the Americans did not want to bother learn their Indian names. The Indians also had to be converted to Christianity and live their old ways behind forever. They also made theme change their cloths and cut their hair because it would remind them of their old ways.
The absolute worst thing that they did was that they would massacre the Indians for some insignificant reasons that could have been avoided. Like what happened at the Massacre at Wounded Knee there was an argument that a deaf tribesman did not want to give up his rifle and a gun fight started when the Indians had already given up their guns. These was the most violet massacre in Indian history no one was safe the American soldier shot women children and the elderly. The person responsible was Major Samuel M. Whiteside.
These are the ting that the white American did to the Indian to make their lives miserable they took their land, they changed their way of life, and they massacred theme for no important reason. This are the reasons why the Indians are becoming extinct. I understand the Indian s behavior because I would do the same if someone trait to destroy mi way of life. Really one of the worst chapters in American history but one of the most informative.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
I enjoyed Irelis blog especially her story and article on the immigration Bill in Colorado it showed mi how there is still much racism in America and how meny Americans don't care. I also enjoyed her story because she gets it to detail and its host really interesting to read.
I liked Jonatan's blog because the story was simple but creative and very interesting to read I also enjoyed his video because it explains immigration from a Latin point of view.
I loved Nestor's blog his Italian immigration history was very educational and field with details about immigration it was great his story was the ting I most enjoyed from his blog it was so great I thought I was really reading a letter from that time.
I also enjoyed Edrics blog especially his video it was sad but it showed some of the surprising facts about immigration so it was very good to see. I also liked his immigration facts the were very informative and to the point.
I liked Jonatan's blog because the story was simple but creative and very interesting to read I also enjoyed his video because it explains immigration from a Latin point of view.
I loved Nestor's blog his Italian immigration history was very educational and field with details about immigration it was great his story was the ting I most enjoyed from his blog it was so great I thought I was really reading a letter from that time.
I also enjoyed Edrics blog especially his video it was sad but it showed some of the surprising facts about immigration so it was very good to see. I also liked his immigration facts the were very informative and to the point.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
In these blog i will be explain mi family history on Puerto Rico. I em not completely sure if I have African or Spanish ancestor so I wont go into that but I do know that Puerto Rico is a great place to live no mater wear you are from even do there are some problem and some people do go out to look for more opportunities. I know this because it has happened to my family almost half of my family has at one point immigrated to the U.S but the don't stay away for long. Most of them have moved up to Florida, New York and Texas. I believe that some times it's good to have a change of scenery an to explore new ting's but its even beater to get back to your home your real home the place were you were born this is were I feel safeand that is why I love this place and I even do I move to some distant place I will always come back to my home.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
I believe that this video is some what insulting to immigrants and latinos because you shod not blame people in general host because some people did some bad tings. This video also shows mi that there are people that have an obsession with this topic and are also afraid of immigrans and I find this to be a very surpraising fact.
In these blog I will be creating a story of mi self. I will narrate my arrival to the U.S. I will also explain my life and how its going in my new home.
Hello mi name is Alfonso I will be telling you my story on how I became part of the U.S. I started of living some were in italy it was so long ago I don't even remember the name I was very young wene wi left. I rember that my family was very pore and there was to meany people in our home. So my parents desaided to move to the U.S.
We starte our trip to the new country it was a grusom trip but the worst part of the trip was the boat raid, and the stay at Ellis Island. Both were two gruesome expirienses. There was noting but bordem and hunger it was extemely agitating. But when I thougth I could not go one more day we arrived.
We have arrived at the new country in a plase cald New York it is filld with new people and my parents believe its filld with new oportunity. We wi arrived pa father go a job as a costruction worker. But life was not as expected we were desciminated and blamed for ting we did not do because some people were giving us a bad name. Despite that we became a prosporus family and leater on went back to our old home.
Hello mi name is Alfonso I will be telling you my story on how I became part of the U.S. I started of living some were in italy it was so long ago I don't even remember the name I was very young wene wi left. I rember that my family was very pore and there was to meany people in our home. So my parents desaided to move to the U.S.
We starte our trip to the new country it was a grusom trip but the worst part of the trip was the boat raid, and the stay at Ellis Island. Both were two gruesome expirienses. There was noting but bordem and hunger it was extemely agitating. But when I thougth I could not go one more day we arrived.
We have arrived at the new country in a plase cald New York it is filld with new people and my parents believe its filld with new oportunity. We wi arrived pa father go a job as a costruction worker. But life was not as expected we were desciminated and blamed for ting we did not do because some people were giving us a bad name. Despite that we became a prosporus family and leater on went back to our old home.
Monday, February 21, 2011
In these blog I will begin talking about Italian immigrants and there situation for living there home countries, how there journey was, how there lives was like in there new home and how these made mi feel.
Most Italian left to escape the over population and look for beater job opportunities. From the research I did those are the principal reasons for leaving there home country.
Some Italians didnot come to stay for to long but those who did stay got jobs as heavy construction workers. Their living conditions for some were beater but realy not so great some.Somting that maid it even harder for them was that mos Italians soferd explitation from people of the same naionality.
I belive that if I was in one of the Italian familys plase I would have probably taken the same desiche and left mi countrie to serch for a beater life for mi and my family.
Most Italian left to escape the over population and look for beater job opportunities. From the research I did those are the principal reasons for leaving there home country.
Some Italians didnot come to stay for to long but those who did stay got jobs as heavy construction workers. Their living conditions for some were beater but realy not so great some.Somting that maid it even harder for them was that mos Italians soferd explitation from people of the same naionality.
I belive that if I was in one of the Italian familys plase I would have probably taken the same desiche and left mi countrie to serch for a beater life for mi and my family.
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