Thursday, March 24, 2011


The Indians were treated on justly they were cheated of their lands, the hade to change their ways and worst of all they were massacred for no important reason. The traits and speeches that they had to hear and sing were host a waste of time and another way to abuse the Indians. You can’t blame the Indians for the way they acted because I know I would do the same if someone tried to change mi.  All of these things could have been avoided if the hade host gotten a compromise.  
The Indians were cheated of their land because they weren’t given a choice it was or give us the land nicely or will take it. An example for this is the Black Hills Sitting Bull, Red cloud or any of the other chief did not want to hand their land over to the Americans but the hade no choice. The real sad part is that they were promise money and beater land but they never saw any of it. It was all caused by the white Americans wanting more land to excavate for gold and own it for theme selves.     
One of the worst things that they did to the Indians was change their way of life. The whites American change their Indian names to Christian names because the Americans did not want to bother learn their Indian names.  The Indians also had to be converted to Christianity and live their old ways behind forever.  They also made theme change their cloths and cut their hair because it would remind them of their old ways.
The absolute worst thing that they did was that they would massacre the Indians for some insignificant reasons that could have been avoided. Like what happened at the Massacre at Wounded Knee there was an argument that a deaf tribesman did not want to give up his rifle and a gun fight started when the Indians had already given up their guns. These was the most violet massacre in Indian history no one was safe the American soldier shot women children and the elderly. The person responsible was Major Samuel M. Whiteside.  
 These are the ting that the white American did to the Indian to make their lives miserable they took their land, they changed their way of life, and they massacred theme for no important reason.  This are the reasons why the Indians are becoming extinct. I understand the Indian s behavior because I would do the same if someone trait to destroy mi way of life. Really one of the worst chapters in American history but one of the most informative.

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