Thursday, March 17, 2011

In these blog i will be explain mi family history on Puerto Rico. I em not completely sure if I have African or Spanish ancestor so I wont go into that but I do know that Puerto Rico is a great place to live no mater wear you are from even do there are some problem and some people do go out to look for more opportunities. I know this because it has happened to my family almost half of my family has at one point immigrated to the U.S but the don't stay away for long. Most of them have moved up to Florida, New York and Texas. I believe that some times it's good to have a change of scenery an to explore new ting's but its even beater to get back to your home your real home the place were you were born this is were I feel safeand that is why I love this place and I even do I move to some distant place I will always come back to my home. 

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