Thursday, April 14, 2011

The muslims have not been very influencial in the changing and ading of the civil rigths. even thoug that they are one of the groups in america that mostli nead it. in the airports is one of the plases that they shood take a stand because it is were there is more abuse and disrispect towards the muslim comuneti.

in airports there is a small tolerans for muslim people and it goos against human rigths. there are many wais they are disrepected like for instans most of the time when they do '' sorpraise ispections'' its mostli muslim people being searchd and when muslim women come to the aipor they are ask to take off their bails for inspection.

the muslim people have to take charge and speac up against the opretion and the injustis that they are sufering. the shoud also have more influens in the changing of the civil rights.

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