Thursday, April 14, 2011

There should be some changes to the constitution there should be an amendment that protects people from being affected from police men who judge you just because of your raise or skin color. It should also be prohibited to show propaganda that talks bad about other believes despite freedom of speech.

Now there is a trial taking please in Cuba that was suppose to take please in the U.S the trail is against the supposed terrorist who planned the 9/11 attack. They made the trial in Cuba so that the person could not have equal rights in like in the U.S. This is a good example of people hugging you without knowing or having any proof because the government is not really sour if the person that they are putting on trial is the person who planed the 9/11 attack.

These changes should be taken into consideration and the Muslim community should speak up and let their voice be heard. Other people should not be so quick to judge other people.

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